+44 (0)1412 222 503 info@skintechnology.co.uk

Acne and Acne Scars


Live a life free from acne and acne scarring. 

Struggling with Acne? Fret not, The Women’s Clinic has a 3-Step Process to remove Acne and Acne Scarring.

Our 3 step process…


First, we take a skin scan, apply an anti-bacterial intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment and add an anaesthetic cream.


Next, we perform our CO2RE fractional laser treatment.


Finally, to prevent further skin issues, it is vital to implement the correct homecare plan (aka acne treatment products and fash wash).


Seborrheic hyperplasia

Symptoms & causes

  • Increased Sebum
  • Bacteria
  • Heredity
  • Hormones
  • Puberty
  • Harsh skin products


Per Treatment


Acne scarring

Symptoms & causes

  • Poor quality skin
  • Rough skin
  • Deep pock marks and pitting
  • Uneven skin & tone
  • Scar tissue

from £500

Per Treatment


Questions you may have about acne & acne scar treatment

What is Acne?

Acne is a common inflammatory condition of the skin that is producing red inflammatory spots, blackheads and whiteheads appearing on the face, chest, and back. We get acne when the pores of the skin are clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria (propionibacterium acne) that get trapped inside. Acne can present in many different ways; from small blackheads to large inflamed lumps (pustules filled with pus) or cysts. Acne usually runs chronic course with either persistent symptoms or recurrent flare ups commonly treated by you doctor with courses of oral antibiotics, topical creams, gels and hormonal contraception for women. Chronic untreated inflammatory acne lesions ( red lumps and cysts) lead to formation of permanent scars.

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are permanent textural changes and indentations that occur on the skin as a result of severe acne. The term “acne scars” is not used for the temporary red and brown marks left early after acne has occurred as these marks will almost always improve without treatment.

What causes acne scars?

In severe acne, large pus-filled spaces known as acne cysts are formed. These cysts destroy the normal architecture of the skin tissue which is not replaced during the healing process. When the cyst eventually empties and the area heals, it usually leaves behind an indentation (or scar) on the face. On the chest and back the scarring can be lumpy (known as “hypertrophic” or “keloid” scarring).

How are acne scars treated by the Fractional CO2 laser?

The fractional CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers offer an effective treatment of acne scarring. The new “fractional” technology treats only a portion of the skin, leaving healthy intact skin surrounding the treatment area. This allows for fast healing and very safe treatments for all skin types.

The fractional CO2 laser makes small microscopic holes in the deeper layers of the skin. This process leads to the generation of new, healthy collagen to smooth out the acne scars. Improvement in acne scars can be seen in as early as one week following the fractional CO2RE laser treatment and it will continue for up to 6 months following the initial treatment. Approximately 30-70% improvement of acne scarring is seen after one treatment, though results vary by the individual. Many patients require only one treatment to reach the desired improvement.

At The Women’s Clinic we provide a professional and high quality service carried out by experienced laser and medical practitioners. During the consultation we will carry out a full skin assessment and photograph each patient pre and post treatment to demonstrate the success of the skin treatments.

Depending on your specific requirements you will be given a treatment plan for all clinic treatments as well as skin care advice.

Is CO2RE treatment of acne scars suitable for darker skin types ?

Fractional CO2 laser treatments are safe for the treatment of acne scarring in darker skin types. All skin types, including Asian, Indian and African-American skin, can be safely treated with the fractional CO2RE laser.

Age spots and hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a term describing areas of uneven pigmentation in the skin often called “age spots” or “sun spots”. It is caused by an increase in melanin and refers to darker-coloured patches of skin that can appear on the face, hands, décolletage, neck and shoulders as well as other areas. Melanin is the natural pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes their colour. A number of factors can trigger an increase in melanin production, but the main ones are sun exposure, hormonal influences, age and skin injuries or inflammation. Hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure often occurs 10-20 years after the initial damage, and so sun spots showing on your skin now may well have been caused when you were in your teens or when you were a child. Age spots can make your skin look much older than your age.
Hyperpigmentation in younger women might be triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy or from the contraceptive pill.

How does CO2RE improve hyperpigmentation?

Sun induced, hormonal and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can be successfully treated with CO2RE resurfacing treatment and with specialist home-care.

The laser removes the superficial layers of damaged skin and stimulates the growth of the new skin cells. This results in reduction of unevenly distributed pigment, improvement of the skin texture, tone and healthier, even complexion.

Discover our other treatments…

CO2RE – Anti Ageing (Deep Lines and Wrinkles)

Clearlift Anti Ageing For Lines and Wrinkles

Lines, wrinkles, loose ageing sun damaged skin on the face, neck & décolleté.

Stretchmarks on stomach, mummy tummy, legs, arms & breasts.

Clear Skin Acne Treatment

Acne Rosacea, Skin Redness, Sun Damage & Pigmentation

Acne and Acne Scars

Asian & Dark Skin

Peels & Products

Verrucas, Warts & Fungal Nails

Face & Leg Veins

Tattoo Removal

Hair Removal

CO2RE – Intima

Get in touch today for a no obligation chat about your requirements


Get in touch or make a booking

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Skin Technology

2nd Floor

Central Chambers

11 Bothwell St


G2 6LY


+44 (0)1412 222 503

Opening Times

Monday – Friday
10.00 – 5.30

Saturdays – 10.00 – 1.00

Spread the cost of treatents with flexible repayment plans